As with most animals, there are a few distinct differences between the male and female Siberian cat which are immediately evident even by just looking at a photo comparison. Although both female and male Siberians make for exceptional pets, there may be a few specific traits that affect which you prefer to buy. It’s important to note that the majority of evidence shows that neutering decreases the differences in male and females significantly.

- Larger in size (9-18 lb)
- Slow to mature (3-5 years)
- Typically grow a much fuller coat, especially in the mane area
- Wider faces
- Stronger physique
- Have a stronger urine smell
- Sometimes (not always) more affectionate
- Non-neutered males have highest number of allergens
- Have higher likelihood of obtaining certain hereditary diseases like FLUTD

- Smaller in size (8-15 lb)
- Fast to mature (1.5-3 years)
- Less muscular
- Can sometimes be slightly less affectionate and more hormonal